Tuesday, October 29, 2019

E-Learning Motivate Individuals to Learn and Motivate Career Literature review

E-Learning Motivate Individuals to Learn and Motivate Career Progression - Literature review Example According to Roberts (2006), many online learners neglect their courses complaining that they don't have enough time as some of the courses could only be viewed on the company's intranet and the distraction from the other colleagues made it impossible to complete the course during working hours. The importance of completing the course was not clearly emphasized by the management and the immediate supervisor and the course instructor did not check on the learners' performance thus resulting in de-motivation for the students. The courses were poorly designed and a certain aspect of the modules wasn't relevant to the employees' job. The course could not be customized according to the learner's preference, for instance, they were not given a choice of information delivery, i.e. in audio or text. the employees and a shocking number of them did not know how to go about using the programme as the guidelines were brief and insufficient especially to the computer illiterates. The students could not depend on their instructors as some then were inexperienced, thus they were not an ideal source of knowledge for the students. Furthermore, many corporate learners felt isolated during the learning process. Especially those who underwent asynchronous course left rather distant and boredom began to envelop them, whereas, in synchronous courses, employees completion rate were by far much better. At Sun Microsystems and NYUonline completion rates rose up to 75% with synchronous courses, however, the remaining students felt that the participation level of interaction and collaboration was low. To further enhance Barab (2000) findings, both The Learning Guild (2003) and University of Glasgow (2003) had used Vincent Tinto's Retention Model to explain that learners withdraw from their courses either from academic or social integration.

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