Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Planning for a Terrorist Emergency :: essays research papers

Preparing for a disaster at American Universities and Colleges has changed dramatically. Prior to September 11th higher education institutions merely planned for natural disasters. American soil in no longer as safe as it once was. In addition to preparing for tornados, preparing for hurricanes, preparing for earthquakes, and preparing for fires there is need to prepare for a terrorist attack. A natural disaster is an event of nature that takes human lives or destroys property. In contrast, a terrorist attack is a man-made event that takes human lives and destroys property. Terrorist attacks appear in many forms biological terrorism, chemical terrorism, explosive terrorism, nuclear terrorism, and radiation terrorism. Data gathered from FEMA confirmed that the majority of terrorist attacks were explosive. In 2002 there were a total of 199 international terrorist attacks against buildings. Out the 199, 70% of the attacks were bombings (Brown & Lowe 1-16). Since actions taken to plan for explosive attacks are similar to preparing and planning for other types of attacks, explosive attack recommendations and supplies would be sufficient to handle such emergencies. Knoy Hall on the well-regarded campus of Purdue University is emergency planning for a terrorist attack. There are many variable involved that make emergency planning for an explosive attack difficult, including the number of individuals in or around the targeted structure and the tactics used by terrorists to implement an explosive attack. The different approaches to planning will be discussed in depth later in the report. Following the implementation of the recommendations in this report Knoy Hall will be prepared for an explosive attack. Brief Overview Research by U.S. Home Land Security and FEMA has revealed that it’s possible to implement an effective plan for a terrorist based emergency. Several avenues were researched to better prepare for the emergency. The course of action that is selected must be well thought out. Instead of preparing the entire campus, the emergency plan is for the school of technology building, Knoy Hall. There are a large number of students, a large number of Purdue faculty members, and a large number of staff that utilize Knoy Hall. Campus police and fire department may not have ample supplies to handle a large scaled attack. Therefore a number of tasks have to be completed to prepare Knoy Hall for a terrorist attack. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Supplies must be purchased and stored. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A storage facility for emergency items must be purchased and constructed. Planning for a Terrorist Emergency :: essays research papers Preparing for a disaster at American Universities and Colleges has changed dramatically. Prior to September 11th higher education institutions merely planned for natural disasters. American soil in no longer as safe as it once was. In addition to preparing for tornados, preparing for hurricanes, preparing for earthquakes, and preparing for fires there is need to prepare for a terrorist attack. A natural disaster is an event of nature that takes human lives or destroys property. In contrast, a terrorist attack is a man-made event that takes human lives and destroys property. Terrorist attacks appear in many forms biological terrorism, chemical terrorism, explosive terrorism, nuclear terrorism, and radiation terrorism. Data gathered from FEMA confirmed that the majority of terrorist attacks were explosive. In 2002 there were a total of 199 international terrorist attacks against buildings. Out the 199, 70% of the attacks were bombings (Brown & Lowe 1-16). Since actions taken to plan for explosive attacks are similar to preparing and planning for other types of attacks, explosive attack recommendations and supplies would be sufficient to handle such emergencies. Knoy Hall on the well-regarded campus of Purdue University is emergency planning for a terrorist attack. There are many variable involved that make emergency planning for an explosive attack difficult, including the number of individuals in or around the targeted structure and the tactics used by terrorists to implement an explosive attack. The different approaches to planning will be discussed in depth later in the report. Following the implementation of the recommendations in this report Knoy Hall will be prepared for an explosive attack. Brief Overview Research by U.S. Home Land Security and FEMA has revealed that it’s possible to implement an effective plan for a terrorist based emergency. Several avenues were researched to better prepare for the emergency. The course of action that is selected must be well thought out. Instead of preparing the entire campus, the emergency plan is for the school of technology building, Knoy Hall. There are a large number of students, a large number of Purdue faculty members, and a large number of staff that utilize Knoy Hall. Campus police and fire department may not have ample supplies to handle a large scaled attack. Therefore a number of tasks have to be completed to prepare Knoy Hall for a terrorist attack. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Supplies must be purchased and stored. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A storage facility for emergency items must be purchased and constructed.

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